
We will be working with two datasets in this course: a yeast DNA dataset with some thymidines substituted by BrdU and a human dataset of methylated DNA. The yeast DNA was sequenced using an R9 workflow, whereas the human DNA was sequenced using an R10 workflow. The yeast dataset is at this link and the human dataset is at this link. We will infer single-molecule DNA replication dynamics from BrdU-incorporation patterns in the yeast DNA dataset, and infer methylation patterns from the human dataset. Please read on to see how to download the datasets and prepare them for use.

If you are a participant in the Earlham Institute training course

You do not need to read any further than this section. You will be given login details to virtual machines by the organisers or the trainers. The input data you need has already been downloaded onto your virtual machine. No further action is needed.

If you are a self-study student


Please download the yeast dataset from this link. Please put it in a suitable folder and untar it using the command

filename= # substitute filename suitably
tar -xzvf $filename

Then, move the contents of the resultant for_ckan folder to a suitable location. In the course, we place it under ~/nanomod_course_data/yeast, but you can use any suitable location. Just remember to use the correct paths when executing the commands in each session.


The human dataset we are using is > 1 TB but we will be using only a small fraction of it. As any human dataset is of a sensitive nature, we are unable to provide you the subset we are using directly and you will have to recreate it using the commands below. You will need to download tens of GB and use tens of minutes of computational time.

Please make a directory called ~/nanomod_course_data/human to store the data. As stated in the yeast subsection above, you can use any other directory. Just remember to use the correct paths when executing commands in the course.

We first make a subset of a mod BAM file as shown below.

cd ~/nanomod_course_data/human
samtools view -h -b -e 'rlen>=30000'  $mod_bam chr20:58000000-60000000  > bonito_calls.subset.bam

Using samtools sort and samtools index, sort and index the file to form bonito_calls.subset.sorted.bam and bonito_calls.subset.sorted.bam.bai. You will learn how to run these commands on day 1, so if you do not know how to run them, just come back to this section after day 1.

Next, we make a random subset of nanopore currents from a fast5 file after converting it to pod5.

cd ~/nanomod_course_data/human
pod5 convert fast5 ./PAM63974_pass_58881fec_60.fast5 --output ./PAM63974_pass_58881fec_60.pod5
pod5 view ./PAM63974_pass_58881fec_60.pod5 --ids --no-header | shuf | head -n 20 > twenty_read_ids.txt
pod5 filter ./PAM63974_pass_58881fec_60.pod5 --ids twenty_read_ids.txt --output ./PAM63974_pass_58881fec_60.twenty_random_reads.pod5

Next, we run pycoQC to judge the quality of the dataset. In the course run by the Earlham Institute, we run the program ourselves and give the results to the course participants to minimize computer runtime. Unfortunately, we cannot host these files on the internet and give them to you. The commands below require downloading tens of GB of data and tens of minutes of computational time.

cd ~/nanomod_course_data/human
pycoQC -f sequencing_summary_PAM63974_58881fec.txt\
  -a bonito_calls.bam -o ./analysis.html -j ./analysis.json

Data preparation is now complete.