In this session, we will perform reference-independent modification calling on a dataset of human DNA that naturally contains cytosines modified due to methylation. We will use the basecaller dorado that can perform basecalling and modification calling when we issue a single command. We will follow the pipeline illustrated below and we will execute all the steps in this session.

Schematic of reference-unanchored pipeline

As you can see from the figure, there are a few differences compared to the pipeline we followed for the yeast dataset:

  • The input format for nanopore currents is pod5 instead of fast5.
  • We are using the basecaller dorado instead of guppy.
  • dorado performs the job of guppy (basecalling) and DNAscent (modification calling) in the dorado basecaller command and calls minimap2 (alignment) in the dorado aligner command.
  • Modification calling and basecalling are performed with a single dorado basecaller command.
  • Modification calling is still bolted onto the output of basecalling.
  • We get a mod BAM file directly from the modification caller, so we do not need to perform any file format conversions to mod BAM.
  • The workflow is reference-unanchored, so alignment is optional and follows modification calling. Alignment is done through the dorado aligner command although it is just a different name for minimap2 which is doing the job under the hood. The input to the alignment step is a mod BAM file and the output is another mod BAM file.

As the final result of our pipeline is a mod BAM file, all the tools that we have discussed so far that work on mod BAM files carry over. If you stop the analysis before the optional alignment step, then the unaligned mod BAM file can still be used as input to modkit, samtools etc. but you cannot use these files in any reference-dependent analysis such as IGV visualization, subsetting by region in samtools etc.

In this session, we will run the pipeline, get the final mod BAM file, and then you can explore the file yourself using the tools we have discussed thus far in the course or do a guided exploration by trying to solve one or more of the exercises at the end of the session.

We will be using a subset of the ‘Cliveome’ dataset released by Oxford NanoporeTech. The DNA is from the cells of the CTO of ONT, Clive Brown, and we are re-creating a published pipeline.

We had performed a subset and some file conversions and calculations before the course began; the steps are listed here and you can read them later. We have already copied this data to the location ~/nanomod_course_data/human/ at the beginning of the course.

Inspect input data

We can inspect the pod5 file to see how many reads are on it.

pod5 inspect summary $input_pod5

There are 20 reads here. The output should look like the following.

File version in memory 0.3.2, read table version 3.
File version on disk 0.3.2.
File uses VBZ compression.
Batch 1, 20 reads
Found 1 batches, 20 reads

Basecalling and modification calling

Optional: Downloading dorado models

Downloading dorado models

We need to download the model dorado uses for basecalling and modification calling. We will put them in a suitable directory.

mkdir -p $dorado_model_dir
dorado download --model $model_config --directory $dorado_model_dir

We make a directory to store our modification calls.

mkdir -p $output_dir

We can basecall and modification call ten of our reads (-n 10) with 5mC methylation at CpG sites (--modified-bases 5mCG). NOTE: the -b 10 -c 1000 are internal dorado parameters which we’ve chosen to fit our virtual machines, and we are running in the slower CPU-only mode. This step will take approximately ten minutes.

dorado basecaller $model_files $input_dir \
  --verbose -n 10 -x cpu -b 10 -c 1000 --modified-bases 5mCG | \
    samtools view --threads 8 -O BAM -o $output_mod_bam

Note down the program speed in number of samples per second.

Optional: modification calling speeds

Comparing our modification-calling speed with ONT’s benchmarks

You can compare the dorado basecalling rate we have recorded in samples per second to the ONT benchmarks listed here. Please note that some of ONT’s benchmarks were performed on expensive computers with many GPUs (see the cost tables at the link)! Our virtual machines do not have GPUs to minimize costs.

Optional: generating sequencing summary files

Dorado pipelines produce only BAM files but no fastq or sequencing summary files

You will see that this pipeline produces the mod BAM file directly and no other file. If we perform alignment after modification calling, as we shall do in a few moments, we will get another mod BAM file. We do not get a fastq file or a sequencing summary file as we had with the yeast pipeline. We can generate a sequencing summary file if we wish to using the dorado summary command as shown below. This file is useful if we want to run tools like pycoQC.

dorado summary $input_mod_bam > $output_summ_file

You can get a fastq file if you want using the command samtools bam2fq $input_mod_bam > $output_fastq but we will not be doing it here.

Optional: multiple modification detection

Dorado can detect multiple types of methylation

We are not going to call both 5hmC and 5mC methylation here, but you can use the flag --modified-bases 5mCG_5hmCG to do so.

Inspect results of modification calling

We can view the output modification data in tabular form with modkit as we have learned in previous sessions.

samtools index $input_mod_bam
modkit extract $input_mod_bam $output_tsv

You can view a few rows of the $output_tsv file above. As we’ve discussed in the session on modification detection in yeast, the most important columns are read_id, forward_read_position, and mod_qual. The reference-related columns have null values or equivalent as we have not aligned the file to a reference genome thus far. You can look up the full list of columns in the official documentation here.

Do you see anything interesting in the query_kmer column? The middle of the k-mer is the base of interest on which modification has been called. What base follows the cytosine of interest?

Perform alignment post-modification calling

Optional: downloading the reference genome

Download the reference genome

We need to download a reference human genome which is a few GB. Please use the commands below.

cd ~/nanomod_course_references
wget "$url"/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_full_analysis_set.fna.fai
wget "$url"/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_full_analysis_set.fna.gz   
gunzip GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_full_analysis_set.fna.gz

Perform alignment

We perform alignment using the dorado aligner command which just runs minimap2 under the hood. The -t 8 flag asks dorado to use 8 computational threads.

cd ~/nanomod_course_outputs/human/
dorado aligner -t 8 $reference $input_bam > $output_bam

Let us sort and index the output bam file

cd ~/nanomod_course_outputs/human/
samtools sort -o $output_bam $input_bam
samtools index $output_bam

Inspect alignment

We can use modkit to convert the output aligned file to TSV and then inspect it.

cd ~/nanomod_course_outputs/human/
modkit extract $input_mod_bam $output_tsv

We can also inspect the file using the samtools and bedtools commands we have encountered throughout the course.

cd ~/nanomod_course_outputs/human/
samtools view -c $input_mod_bam # count number of reads
samtools view -c  --exclude-flags SECONDARY,SUPPLEMENTARY\
  $input_mod_bam                # count number of primary reads
bedtools bamtobed -i $input_mod_bam # inspect alignment coordinates
Optional: Quality control

Perform quality control with pycoQC

Quality control on the yeast dataset was covered in an optional part of a previous session; you can do that part first if you wish.

Similar to that lesson, if we run quality control on the ten-read alignment file we have been making, we will get warnings and poor statistics. So, we have run pycoQC ourselves on the entire Cliveome dataset and have given you the resultant reports. Please go to the directory ~/nanomod_course_data/human and open the analysis.html file and have a look.

For your reference, we mention the pycoQC command used to generate these reports below

# They are for your reference only.
# To run them, you need to download and prepare the 'Cliveome'
# dataset as described in the dataset preparation page
# (to access this page, go to Home and look for the link
#  Datasets under 'For Students').
# You can do so on your own computer (not the virtual machines
# used in the course) if you want to.
# For now, we just give you the results of the pycoQC step.
cd ~/nanomod_course_data/human/
input_dir= # this is an input directory on a different computer
pycoQC -f $seq_summ -a $alignment_bam -o ./analysis.html -j ./analysis.json

Further analysis

For further analysis, we have prepared a subset of the Cliveome dataset by choosing reads passing through a specific region of the human genome. It is located at ~/nanomod_course_data/human/bonito_calls.subset.sorted.bam. Although this file’s name ends in .bam, it is a mod BAM file. So all the downstream analysis and visualizations tools we have discussed thus far in the course can be used to analyse and visualize this file respectively.

You can now explore the BAM file yourself using the tools we have talked about so far. Or you can do one or some of the exercises below to explore the BAM file in a guided way.

Optional exercises
